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S Coassin, S Schönherr, H Weissensteiner, G Erhart, S Di Maio, L Forer, C Lamina, A Peters, B Thorand, KU Eckardt and others: A Comprehensive Map Of The Variability In The Lipoprotein (A) Kiv 2 Repeat Region And Follow-Up Of The Kiv-2 Arg20ter Mutation In 11,000 Individuals. In Atherosclerosis, vol. 287, pages e58. Elsevier, 2019

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Benjamin Murauer and Günther Specht: Generating Cross-Domain Text Classification Corpora from Social Media Comments. In 20th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF'2019), pages 114-125. Springer International Publishing, 2019

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Maximilian Mayerl, Michael Vötter, Eva Zangerle and Günther Specht: Language Models for Next-Track Music Recommendation. In Proceedings of the 31st GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Saarburg, Germany, June 11-14, 2019., pages 15-19. 2019

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Michael Vötter, Eva Zangerle, Maximilian Mayerl and Günther Specht: Autoencoders for Next-Track-Recommendation. In Proceedings of the 31st GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Saarburg, Germany, June 11-14, 2019., pages 20-25. 2019

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Michael Tschuggnall, Thibault Gerrier and Günther Specht: StyleExplorer: A Toolkit for Textual Writing Style Visualization. In Proceedings of the 41th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019): Advances in Information Retrieval, pages 220-224. Springer International Publishing, 2019

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Georg Fröch, Werner Gächter, Arnold Tautschnig and Günther Specht: Merkmalserver im Open-BIM-Prozess. In Bautechnik. 2019

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Johannes Kessler, Michael Tschuggnall and Günther Specht. RelaX: A Webbased Execution and Learning Tool for Relational Algebra. In Proceedings of the 18th Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), March 2019, Rostock, LNI, pages 503-506, 2019

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Stefan Coassin, Sebastian Schönherr, Hansi Weissensteiner, Gertraud Erhart, Lukas Forer, Jamie Lee Losso, Claudia Lamina, Margot Haun, Gerd Utermann, Bernhard Paulweber, Günther Specht and Florian Kronenberg: A comprehensive map of single-base polymorphisms in the hypervariable LPA kringle IV type 2 copy number variation region. In Journal of Lipid Research, vol. 60, no. 1, pages 186-199. 2019


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Benjamin Murauer, Michael Tschuggnall and Günther Specht: Dynamic Parameter Search for Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution. In Working Notes of CLEF. 2018

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M Kestemont, M Tschuggnall, E Stamatatos, W Daelemans, G Specht, B Stein and M Potthast: Overview of the author identification task at PAN-2018: cross-domain authorship attribution and style change detection. In Working Notes Papers of the CLEF. 2018

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Robert Binna, Eva Zangerle, Martin Pichl, Günther Specht and Viktor Leis: HOT: A Height Optimized Trie Index for Main-Memory Database Systems. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2018), pages 521-534. ACM, 2018

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Benjamin Murauer and Günther Specht: Detecting Music Genre Using Extreme Gradient Boosting. In Companion of the The Web Conference 2018 on The Web Conference 2018, pages 1923-1927. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2018.

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Eva Zangerle, Michael Tschuggnall, Stefan Wurzinger and Günther Specht: ALF-200k: Towards Extensive Multimodal Analyses of Music Tracks and Playlists. In Advances in Information Retrieval - 39th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2018), pages 584-590. Springer, 2018

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Günther Specht: Die Forschungsgruppe Datenbanken und Informationssysteme an der Universität Innsbruck. In Datenbank-Spektrum, vol. 18, no. 1, pages 51-56. 2018

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Günther Specht and Rainer Breuss: Der freeBIM Merkmalserver. In Beton-Kalender, vol. 1, pages 363-366. 2018



Eva Zangerle, Michael Tschuggnall, Stefan Wurzinger and Günther Specht: Analyzing Coherent Characteristics in Music Playlists. In Proceedings of the 4th Digital Humanities Austria Conference (dha 2017), Innsbruck, Austria 2017.

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Martin Pichl, Eva Zangerle, Günther Specht and Markus Schedl: Mining Culture-Specific Music Listening Behavior from Social Media Data. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2017), Taichung, Taiwan, December 11-13, 2017, pages 208-215. IEEE Computer Society, 2017

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Doris Silbernagl, Nikolaus Krismer, Nikolaus Augsten and Günther Specht: Recommending OSM Tags To Improve Metadata Quality. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Recommendations for Location-based Services and Social Networks, pages 6:1-6:10. ACM, 2017

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Benjamin Murauer, Maximilian Mayerl, Michael Tschuggnall, Eva Zangerle, Martin Pichl and Günther Specht: Hierarchical Multilabel Classification and Voting for Genre Classification. In CEURS Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2017 Workshop., 2017

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Nikolaus Krismer, Doris Silbernagl, Günther Specht and Johann Gamper: Computing Isochrones in Multimodal Spatial Networks using Tile Regions. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2017), pages 33. 2017